SPECIAL ENTRY : Bufday Along

27 tahun sudah . eh bukan sy , tp along . ouppss jgn ckp tua . warga emas je . haha . xpe, ade pe ngn umo kan , nombo je kot . okey tanggal 21 Mei 2012 genap along umur 27 da . ( xperlu la mention nombo tu bnyk2 kali kan =.= ) kami bertungkus lumus kerah tenaga untuk wat suprise since one week before . alamak awek die terover excited plak nk celebrate punye pasal kan . bukan pe takut mlm 21 tu along xde . hurm jap g die boleh dtg s.alam plak kan . so kene la celebrate due kali . first buat kat kedai kecik . then on the day kitorang buat kat ICT plak . waaa gile vogue kan wat kat ict . mcm pre-wedding plak . so mlm tu sempat la merase naik eye on malaysia . thank to kak ikin sebab die belaanja kitowang sume naik . kecik yang gayat tu pon tepaksa wat2 brani nek . dah tu dlm tu acik dok tnye " ni da bape ketinggian ni ? " haha . habis pusing je tepat2 kol 12 . sempat la nyanyi tok along lagu hepy beday ( untungla dpt nyanyi depan eye on malaysia kan ) . err penat nak type la . tgok gambar sat noo ;)

konon2 photo pre-wedding ber backgroundkan EOM la kan ;p
awak sangat cantik ;)
ala ala comelnye muke die ~_~
lucky for him to have you ^_^
tige jejaka yang teetttt ;)
ala aminah ngan along xde plak dlm ni ;(
ni la sweetheart ijat =.=
okey . memperkenalkan 2 ekor guinea pig merangkap bufday present along . serious comel :)
btw name die
jantan : along
betina : ekin
Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you I had no control over
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